All posts tagged: Love

Tat Tvam Asi

A trail of incense carves the space of emptiness behind.
Smokey imprints gently fading with the pulse of Now.

Designs of grand proportion sit quietly in the sand,
Each single grain an expression of the unknown
appearing to knowing eyes.

Settle, sink, swim in the ecstasy of liberation.
Love abounds. Thou art that.

Kevin Yee-ChanTat Tvam Asi
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Swim among the tides of breath
whose sweetness awakens the soul;
to a gentle hum
streaming in endless directions from
the source of nothingness.

Kevin Yee-ChanHomecoming
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A Love Letter.

Despair. There are moments in our lives when this feeling is unavoidable. Something happens- a misunderstanding with a loved one, a happy ending lost, senseless terror attacks… who knows why these things happen, but they do. And then for a flash, it appears: hopelessness.

Kevin Yee-ChanA Love Letter.
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