All posts tagged: IntuiTalk

IntuiTalk | Denise Payne

"It's not what you do, it's what you think about what you do that matters."

Denise and I first met when I stumbled into one of her open classes in Bali. After several years at the helm of her own studios in Portland, she came to share her talents and inspiration with the community in Ubud. I was quickly drawn to her clear and direct practice with all of its challenges and rewards. She offers ways of laughing with and enjoying hard work… something we all benefit from.

Her depth of practice with the chakra system, her constant reminders of ground, bandhas and breath and her lightness have been key factors in understanding my participation as a creator with life.

Kevin Yee-ChanIntuiTalk | Denise Payne
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IntuiTalk: Amy Byrd and David Knafou

"We have a personal motto: globally pessimistic, locally optimistic. Looking at the state of things can get us down, so we wonder- what can we do here and now to make the world a kinder, more sustainable place to live in?”

Amy and David are partners living in Mulhouse, France where we met over Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago. After initially bonding over ex-patriate similarities (Amy is American-born and I was living in France at the time), a friendship developed in our mutual desires to lead sustainable, conscious lives. Amy and David are both key partners in an organization called Vita’Rue 2.0. In addition to holding weekly summer festivals which showcase local artists, crafts, and food, Vita’Rue hosts workshops on a regular basis. Cooking classes with local and seasonal ingredients, café gatherings around various themes: collaging, crocheting, relaxation techniques, film nights… these are just a few of the ways they craft and cultivate community.

Kevin Yee-ChanIntuiTalk: Amy Byrd and David Knafou
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IntuiTalk: Les Leventhal

In the last blog, we discussed ways of cultivating intuition and leadership within ourselves as a way of making global change on a local level. To follow up, we’ll take a closer look at the people that have inspired me directly- my tribe. This is the first in a series of IntuiTalks: interviews that are designed to provoke and inspire… and our chance to understand the many different forms and people through which the splendor of the universe is expressed.

I first met Les in Bali, where he currently lives and teaches yoga. I had heard about him through various friends and upon meeting, I could instantly understand why a smile follows every time someone mentions his name. His joy is empathetic, unapologetic, and infectious…

Kevin Yee-ChanIntuiTalk: Les Leventhal
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