So far, 2015 has been a year full of big changes and shifts for myself and those around. I’ve kept quiet for some time here in Bali as I observe the comings and goings, but recently there has been so much upheaval around the world that I find it hard to keep my mouth shut any longer.
From a controversial mass execution here in Bali, to the devastating earthquake in Nepal, while further away in Baltimore riots have taken place, and surely countless other stories both public and personal that we are not all aware of… there is a palpable energy of loss that seems to linger in the air.
In many ways, it’s nothing new. These kinds of things have been going on for ages and in various different places around the world. But in this time of instant communication, our awareness reaches new depths- sometimes uncomfortable ones.
However, I’ve noticed that as deep down as we may have dug, we have the ability to soar just as high. And perhaps if we can pause in recognition of the highs and lows in equal measure- in this natural spanda of life- we might be able to widen our perspective. We may never come to a common understanding, but we may be able to widen our perspectives enough that we can come to a common intention: one of love… of compassion.
So let us honor the loss. Let us honor the lost by pausing and finding love and compassion.
“Anyone who loves must learn to lose themselves
then find themselves again.”
-Paulo Coelho
Here’s to the fluctuation of the depths and the heights… the spanda. Here’s to losing. And to finding. Over and over and over again.
Scroll down a bit to see where I’ll be soon… I hope to find you again somewhere along the way.
With so much love and compassion,