
Writings of the Body


We all have them. We all make them.

Fairytales, dreams, history, herstory, instastories…

At yet another point of transition- as summer draws to a close and fall waits to descend in the northern hemisphere- I look back at the stories I have collected; I look back at all of the events that have transpired to bring me where I am in this very moment. These cycles let me rediscover tales of my childhood, those of my parents, their parents, and theirs before them. I revisit the stories of my teachers and attempt to trace them back to where they came from: a never ending journey into time immortal.

Kevin Yee-ChanWritings of the Body
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The Humble Power of Lineage

Originally published in KULA Magazine, Issue 28, September 24 2017.

“Where do you come from?”

As days continue to roll by, this question gets increasingly complicated to answer. Cultures mix, breeds cross, it becomes decreasingly likely to find a person with a single genealogical line.

Often in yoga, we are asked to follow a lineage- a genealogical line of its own sort. And as people and tastes continually diversify, there arises a discord between stepping into a lineage (guru complex, anyone?) versus stepping into one’s own power. One can be laced with submission and the other with ego. But what if they were the same thing?

Kevin Yee-ChanThe Humble Power of Lineage
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IntuiTalk | Joseph Imhauser

"Ingenuity feeds self-discovery through imagination and creativity."

Joseph is a creator on many levels. We met nearly 10 years ago, and over this time I have been lucky enough to witness the scope with which his art and life continually evolve. He has a perspective that is both expansive and universally inclusive; I am often left in awe of the ways that is expressed.

Through creation, he challenges the habits of the mind and participates in life in a way that moves beyond the constructs of socially imposed limitations. He is a multi-dimensional visionary that I humbly and gratefully adore.

Kevin Yee-ChanIntuiTalk | Joseph Imhauser
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